It has been a bumpy ride but I'm in it to win it. I new Peace Corps was going to have it's upps and downs. I was sick the first two days at leswa then was sick then again yesterday, but they Peace Corps really takes good care of you. I mean REALLY good care. Nothing serious just the usually stomach stuff.
I absoutly love all my traniees at ROCO and the staff here is really great. The food is ok. "NO more maatooke" as we all say. Which matooke is a bannana like plant that is cooked all day then served like smashed potatoes. The food here is always the same so I am looking foward to getting to site and making my own food. But i am going to take training one day at a time then start thinking about Site. Which will be located somewhere in Central Uganda.
I have a beautiful walk to school every morning where little children proceed to yell MZungU Mzungu which translates to white person. Everyone is very nice and interested what the big group of Mzungu's are up to everyday. There is a total of 45 of us in CHED. Community Health and economic development the trainings are intense but overall very good to know. My Lugandan is coming along slowly,but my professor Herbert say's i just need to practice practice i understand what is being said i just need to practice.
Everyday I am blessed to be apart of the Peace Corps and everyday I wake up excited to be apart of this wonderful country.
Love from Africa
So good to hear you are well. Funny I hear you speak when I read your words! Miss you tons, the house is a bit empty with out your vibe, and I realize I have way to many pillows :) Stay well and hope your body adjusts to the new diet. Love ya and will set up a skype account and call you soon.